Appointments / results: 612-543-5555

More services

In addition to STD testing, Red Door offers the following services.

Reproductive health

Our reproductive health educator is available during your appointment to provide education and counseling around contraceptives (birth control), pregnancy options, resources, and referrals to other related care.

Our educator can assist with Minnesota Family Planning Program (MFPP) enrollment for those who qualify. This program can help cover the cost of contraceptives.

Call 612-543-5555 and ask to speak with our reproductive health educator.

Contraceptive options 

  • IUD – non-hormonal and hormonal options; can be placed in clinic
  • Implant (Nexplanon)
  • Injection (Depo-Provera)
  • Patch
  • Ring
  • Pill
  • Condoms – internal and external; always available and free at our condom bar in the lobby
  • Emergency Contraception (Plan B)

Condoms and lube

Pick them up at the clinic free of charge. Red Door has non-latex condoms and internal condoms (formerly known as female condoms) - ask any staff member for assistance.

Supportive services

We offer a support group for people living with HIV. The group is currently meeting virtually.

For information, email

MNsure Assistance

Our Benefits Navigator provides assistance with MNsure applications and answers any questions regarding coverage or renewal. Ask to speak with our Benefits Navigator during your visit or give us a call to learn more. 

Notifying your partners

If you have an STD, we recommend telling your sexual partner(s) so they can get tested and treated. Red Door has specially trained staff who can find and notify your sexual partners confidentially. Ask about partner notification when you come in for STD testing.